Writing and Perks and THE NOTEBOOK

So for those of you who don’t know, Perks means the Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. I have wanted this book since I was 13, where I picked up a copy in Charlie Byrnes (the best bookshop in the history of the universe, if you were wondering), liked the look of it, and was immediately told by unbending parents that perhaps my level of maturity might be better suited to other books. Ones about rabbits, maybe, or a different form of small harmless animal.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I downloaded it onto my Kindle earlier, and, so far, I like it! The writing style is unusual, and the narrator has a pretty simple view on the world, and as much as I hate to condense everything I might like to say about it  into a short paragraph, keep your eyes peeled for a book review!

We are reading To Kill a Mockingbird in English, and, surprisingly, we are making decent headway! Another book report is to come on this book, methinks, when I’m finished it. I’m going to read Perks fully, first, then a novel adaptation of the Dark Knight that Chelsey gave me, and then I will start reading TKAM properly, as opposed to the sporadic couple of pages we read in class. Another thing we’re doing in English is writing a short story, on a topic of our choice, using vocab words from To Kill a Mockingbird. For the second time, I’ll be writing on my laptop; being able to drag-and-drop paragraphs from place to place helps me organise my stories better. Right now, I only have a rough draft, with no required words in it at all, so… Mm yes I will be working on that!

On another note entirely, I have filled up exactly half of my ideas notebook! I was given THE NOTEBOOK as a Christmas present in 2011, and it is probably the closest I’ve ever come to keeping a diary! I’ve always wanted to, to record my day-to-day life on paper, to see how it changes as I get older, but I am not a finisher, and I just can’t dedicate myself to something like that!

(Note:  Cool Blazer Girl -Sabrina- may not start off on the topic I sent you to her to hear, BUT BY THE END SHE WILL TALK ABOUT IT. This is a test of your- yes, your- own finishing skills)!

Anyway, I didn’t use this book much until late January last year, when I started planning a website design for the class my friend and I teach at Coder Dojo, and since then, every time I need to plan something (like a story, or more websites, or how my year is going to go), or get something down on paper (any fleeting ideas/ my feelings) it goes in THE NOTEBOOK.

I feel like keeping THE NOTEBOOK is that little bit safer than keeping a diary, in that if my sister/parents/friends steal it it won’t be THAT big of a deal, but it’s still not exactly something I’d be showing off.  




PS: I say pained because I got my braces adjusted earlier and HERE’S A THING: my face hurts.

Stuff I like This Week (2!)

For a refresher on what I write about in SILTW, read this.

I’ve had a pretty unexciting week, so that means lots of internet time, so that means this week’s SILTW is going to be, impossibly, even better than the last one!

Yup, I’ll jump write (ahahaha) in.

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Stuff I Like This Week

So, every Monday starting now, I will be posting a list of things that I have found over the week and that I am interested in. These lists will include music, books, websites, video games or apps, videos/moviesgadgets, other blogs, stuff I want You get the picture.

And so!

SILTW issue 1!

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