Stuff I Like This Week (trois!)

No clue what this is? Check here before reading.

SILTW Isú a trí!

  • This is How you Load a Dishwasher– Hank Green

Hank Green is one half of the vlogbrothers (the other half is best-selling author John Green) and here he sings an immensely informative song about the intricate art of loading dishwashers. And also why the sun appears the same size as the moon! So… go check THAT out…

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What I want to Be

Being a teenage girl whose specialty is being bad at communicating with other human beings, I have mastered the art of answering polite ice-breaker questions with as few words as possible. You know the type, the oh-look-the-weather queries people will throw at you when you’re making them uncomfortable with the way you just stand there not talking holding a knife with a Joker-from-Batman smile on your face feel awkward.

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Stuff I like This Week (2!)

For a refresher on what I write about in SILTW, read this.

I’ve had a pretty unexciting week, so that means lots of internet time, so that means this week’s SILTW is going to be, impossibly, even better than the last one!

Yup, I’ll jump write (ahahaha) in.

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My Favourite Things

So, considering most of my followers (except, I think, one?) don’t know me, the most you could tell a stranger about me is the tiny bits of my personality encapsulated in the About page of this blog, and that’s, you know, fine. But I think as I’ve started blogging more (um, two days ago?), I want to share a wee bit of myself with you guys, specifically, little things I have amassed that say something about me.

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Stuff I Like This Week

So, every Monday starting now, I will be posting a list of things that I have found over the week and that I am interested in. These lists will include music, books, websites, video games or apps, videos/moviesgadgets, other blogs, stuff I want You get the picture.

And so!

SILTW issue 1!

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